JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, Python, and Bootstrap; Structured and unstructured databases Mongo, Postgres, BigQuery, Cloud Storage, EBS, and S3; Mobile platform architecture using React Native; API gateway provisioning with Apigee and Swagger; CICD pipeline tools Jenkins, Git; Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform GCP, CloudFormation, Terraform, Lambda functions, Cloud Run, CloudTrail, CloudWatch, Stackdriver, Cloud Functions, Cognito, Hadoop, Spark, Data Studio, PubSub, Kafka, SQS, and IAM; and Onprem and cloud networking with VPC, VPN, Transit Gateway, RouteTables, Routers, Peering, Security Policies, subnet, Firewall, Load Balancers, TCPUDP, and SSL and TLS communications.

Categories: eb3


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