Education Experience Requirementsbr br Masters degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or related field plus three years of experience designing and developing insurance applications using br Or, alternatively, a bachelors degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or related field and five years of experience designing and developing insurance applications using br Specific skillsother requirements One 1 year of experience must includebr br Designing, developing and maintaining DuckCreek Pages, Forms,br Rates, Business Logic and Workflow using Example Author, Skins,br Forms, and Rating;br Implementing custom authentication and authorization headers to APIbr calls using Custom Business Objects CBOs;br Creating custom reports for data analytics using DuckCreek Databr Insights;br Maintaining, enhancing and integrating with third party systems andbr websites through code writing in C#, HTMLCSS, JavaScript, XML andbr XSLT;br Utilizing crosssuite Policy, Billing, Claims and Party knowledgebr to enhance, debug and resolve function, data, transaction, andbr integration issues using DuckCreek provided tools; andbr Leveraging knowledge of insurance domain and medical professionalbr liability insurance to extract requirements from the terminologybr and deliver code in line with insurance standards and HIPAA compliance.
Categories: eb3