Requires a Bachelor degree in Computer Science, Electrical or Electronics Engineering plus 2 years of experience. Must have 2 years of experience with the 3 of the following Agile methodology SCRUM; Amazon Web Services AWS; analysis, design, development, testing, and implementing software applications or systems; API development; application code review; building CICD pipelines continuous integration continuous delivery that deliver to a production environment; cloud services; design and code review to ensure quality and testability of feature code; Docker; ETL extract, transform, load software; GitLab; Java application development; JSON; Kubernetes; Linux; oraclebased systems; Python; Rest API; or br In the alternative, the employer will accept a Masters degree in Computer Science, Electrical or Electronics Engineering or related and the candidate must have knowledge of at least 3 of the above which can be obtained through any work experience, internships, andor course br Telecommuting permitted
Categories: eb3