No Travel required to customer locations across the U.S. to perform required br Employer declarationsbr br Employer has conducted prefiling recruitment process as laid out in 20 CFR br In result of recruitment, no qualified U.S. worker available for this position, hence the employer has offered this position to the foreign worker and filing this br As listed in the Section I e 23 of this form, employer has not received payments of any kind from the foreign worker or from any third party, including employers attorneys fee. Employer has not received any incentive, inducement to file, or any reimbursement for the cost incurred in preparing or filing this br H.7A Information Technology or Engineering or Business or Science or br H.10B Experience in the job offered or in other alternate IT positions such as Software Engineer, Analyst, IT Consultants, Programmer, Network AdminSystems Analyst, Database Admin, and other IT positions are acceptable.
Categories: eb3