CONTD from H.10.B performing JavaJ2EE development in an enterprise level br Education and Experiencebr br Bachelors degree or foreign education equivalent in Computer Science, Engineering, Information Technology, Information Systems, Mathematics, Physics, or a closely related field and five 5 years of experience as a Principal Software EngineerDeveloper or related occupation performing JavaJ2EE development in an enterprise level br Or, alternatively, Masters degree or foreign education equivalent in Computer Science, Engineering, Information Technology, Information Systems, Mathematics, Physics, or a closely related field and three 3 years of experience as a Principal Software EngineerDeveloper or related occupation performing JavaJ2EE development in an enterprise level br Skills and Knowledgebr br Candidate must also possessbr br Demonstrated Expertise DE architecting platforms and developing enterprise software applications, using Java, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, and ORM frameworks MyBatis and Hibernate; developing Web services producers and consumers, using JAXWS, REST, XML, and JSON; and implementing automated test cases, using Behavior Driven Development BDD testing frameworks Fitnesse, Protractor, and Test API for test coverage according to Agile br DE developing features to integrate Bottomline Web services J and IBM Webspere MQ to enable seamless interaction with enterprise applications, using Java and J2EE technologies Spring, Struts, Servlets, JSP, and JSTL, Web security technologies OAuth and SAML, Apache Camel, and SOAPRESTful Web services operating within a Virtual Data Center VDC framework within the financial services br DE scripting automated Continuous IntegrationContinuous Deployment CICD Cloud account creation and application deployment pipelines in Cloud and Linux environments, using Concourse, Jenkins, uDeploy, and Artifactory tools; developing Cloud native applications, using Cloudbased IaaS, PaaS, CaaS, and SaaS solutions; and supporting and maintaining largescale enterprise application pipelines in private and hybrid Cloud, using Jenkins and br DE processing OFAC sanction screening of financial data through integration layers using Accuity.

Categories: eb3


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