Four 4 years of experience in the job offered or a related occupation writing code utilizing programming languages, including Python, SQL, R, Java, and JavaScript; performing data mining utilizing Python Packages, including Pandas, Numpy, Scipy, SciketLearn, Seaborn, Plotly, PlotlyDash, MatPlotLib, Pytorch, TensorFlow, Keras, BeautifulSoup, and Spacy; utilizing databases, including Snowflake, Teradata, Maria DB, MSSQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and Mongo DB; utilizing toolsIDEs, including Jupyter Lab, Spyder, PyCharm, RStudio, Tableau, SAS, H2O Auto ML, Apache Hive, Apache Spark, Hadoop, and Informatica; utilizing version control tools, including Git and GitHub; utilizing various operating systems, including Windows, MacOS, and Unix; and utilizing Cloud Services, including Amazon Web Services AWS.
Categories: eb3