Nob Hill, Albuquerque, New Mexico


Young Adult with Schizophrenia and Social Withdrawal

1 in stock

SKU: b7fba8ceadc3 Category:


Team Overview:
We are a dedicated team of nurses specializing in providing comprehensive care for individuals with schizophrenia, focusing on psychosocial rehabilitation, social skills training, and support for community integration. Our team is committed to helping individuals with schizophrenia overcome social withdrawal and isolation, empowering them to build meaningful connections and achieve a fulfilling life in their communities. We are seeking experienced nurses to join our team to provide specialized care for a 30-year-old adult with schizophrenia experiencing social withdrawal and isolation.

Project Overview:
We are seeking skilled nurses to join our caregiving team on a contractual basis, with a focus on providing specialized care for a 30-year-old adult with schizophrenia. This role involves delivering psychosocial rehabilitation interventions, facilitating social skills training, and offering support to help the individual develop connections and integrate into their community.


Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Implement psychosocial rehabilitation interventions to help the individual with schizophrenia develop essential life skills, enhance coping mechanisms, and improve functioning in various areas of daily living. Provide support and guidance in areas such as communication skills, problem-solving, decision-making, and stress management, empowering the individual to navigate social interactions and life challenges more effectively.
Social Skills Training: Facilitate social skills training sessions to help the individual develop and refine social skills necessary for building and maintaining relationships, interacting with others, and participating in community activities. Use role-playing exercises, group discussions, and real-life scenarios to practice social skills and build confidence in social situations, promoting social engagement and integration.
Community Integration: Support the individual in exploring opportunities for community engagement, participation in recreational activities, and involvement in social groups or clubs that align with their interests and preferences. Assist with identifying community resources, events, and support services that promote social inclusion and provide opportunities for connection and belonging within the community.
Individualized Support: Provide individualized support and encouragement to the individual as they work towards their goals of social integration and community participation. Offer empathy, validation, and a non-judgmental attitude, fostering a trusting and supportive relationship that empowers the individual to overcome barriers to social engagement and pursue a fulfilling life in their community.
Collaboration: Collaborate with other members of the healthcare team, including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and community support workers, to coordinate care and ensure a holistic approach to supporting the individual’s social rehabilitation and community integration goals. Communicate effectively, share insights and observations, and participate in care planning meetings to develop individualized care plans tailored to the individual’s unique needs and preferences.
Progress Monitoring: Regularly assess the individual’s progress in developing social skills, participating in community activities, and achieving social integration goals. Use standardized assessment tools, goal-setting techniques, and feedback from the individual and their support network to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and adjust intervention strategies as needed to optimize outcomes and promote long-term success.

Certification as a registered nurse with experience in mental health nursing, psychiatric rehabilitation, or community-based care.
Proficiency in providing psychosocial rehabilitation interventions, social skills training, and support for individuals with schizophrenia or other serious mental illnesses, including knowledge of evidence-based practices and therapeutic techniques for promoting social integration and community participation.
Experience in working with individuals with schizophrenia to address social withdrawal, isolation, and difficulties in social functioning, offering empathy, patience, and creative approaches to supporting social skill development and community engagement.
Strong communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to establish rapport, build trust, and foster positive relationships with individuals with schizophrenia, their families, and members of the broader community. Ability to collaborate effectively with interdisciplinary teams and community stakeholders to promote social inclusion and support recovery-oriented care.
Compassion, empathy, and a genuine commitment to empowering individuals with schizophrenia to achieve their goals of social integration, independence, and meaningful participation in their communities, providing person-centered care that honors their unique strengths, preferences, and aspirations.
Patient Case:
Comprehensive Care for Adult with Schizophrenia

Patient: 30-year-old adult

Conditions: The patient is a 30-year-old adult diagnosed with schizophrenia, experiencing social withdrawal and isolation, impacting their ability to engage in social interactions and participate in community activities.

Care Plan:

Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Implement psychosocial rehabilitation interventions to help the individual develop essential life skills, enhance coping mechanisms, and improve functioning in various areas of daily living. Provide support and guidance in areas such as communication skills, problem-solving, decision-making, and stress management, empowering the individual to navigate social interactions and life challenges more effectively.
Social Skills Training: Facilitate social skills training sessions to help the individual develop and refine social skills necessary for building and maintaining relationships, interacting with others, and participating in community activities. Use role-playing exercises, group discussions, and real-life scenarios to practice social skills and build confidence in social situations, promoting social engagement and integration.
Community Integration: Support the individual in exploring opportunities for community engagement, participation in recreational activities, and involvement in social groups or clubs that align with their interests and preferences. Assist with identifying community resources, events, and support services that promote social inclusion and provide opportunities for connection and belonging within the community.
Individualized Support: Provide individualized support and encouragement to the individual as they work towards their goals of social integration and community participation. Offer empathy, validation, and a non-judgmental attitude, fostering a trusting and supportive relationship that empowers the individual to overcome barriers to social engagement and pursue a fulfilling life in their community.
Collaboration: Collaborate with other members of the healthcare team, including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and community support workers, to coordinate care and ensure a holistic approach to supporting the individual’s social rehabilitation and community integration goals. Communicate effectively, share insights and observations, and participate in care planning meetings to develop individualized care plans tailored to the individual’s unique needs and preferences.
Progress Monitoring: Regularly assess the individual’s progress in developing social skills, participating in community activities, and achieving social integration goals. Use standardized assessment tools, goal-setting techniques, and feedback from the individual and their support network to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and adjust intervention strategies as needed to optimize outcomes and promote long-term success.


Total Budget: $343,893.60